Monday 11 August 2014

My Introduction - Painting 1

Hello and welcome to my blog!! 

My names Gemma,

Im 29 years old... going 30 this year (scary). I have just finished Drawing one and really loved it :-) I have already improved quite a lot. 

This Year I am doing Painting 1 course. Its a bit daunting as I have not had much experience of doing painting properly, so this is going to be a interesting  year. I have done a few wall murals for peoples homes (Images below) but I think its going to be totally different to that way of painting. I cant wait to get stuck in and  learn to help me improve my artist skills. 

First I want to put a list down of what I want to achieve this year....
  • A good knowledge of basic painting
  • Understand mediums and Tools
  • Understand the rules of colours and mixing better
  • I want to further my art talent more
  • Become confident in painting
  • Express my voice more
  • Explore my talent
  • Find new techniques now that I will be able to introduce painting in to my work.

I hope to tick all these and the requirements for the course to enter for assessment. 

Ready to have some fun! :-)

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