Monday 5 January 2015

ASS2 - Feedback from Tutor and Assessment results for Drawing 1

Feedback off Drawing 1 Assessment

   I received my feedback before Christmas, but I have been ill due to stress and other things so I treated myself to a 2 week break: no work and no art work. Just spending time with family and enjoying some me time. It helped me think things over and gave me time to get myself back on track, to being the normal happy me and grasp what is important to me. 

   I spent most of yesterday going through my assessment from Drawing one. I got a pass and 45 percent mark. I was not happy at first, as I thought my work was better then that. I had to realise that this is the first time ever, that my work has been really criticized and that the criticism is for my own good. It will help me to progress in areas where I am going wrong, or need improving. There was nothing bad. I re-read it and these are the comments I need to take note of and act upon:

  • Take more risks
  • Find my personal voice (show experimenting different techniques and ideas  to find my voice)
  • Improve on Self reflection - Analysis and synthesis of information
  • Investigate more
  • Look at own interpretations of subjects I am looking at
  • Have more intermediate dialogue with work
  • Learning log - treat as a professional document
  • Commenting intelligently and concisely on own work and others
  • Use more terminology

   I have really had time to think and these are all things I really want to now work on, to progress. There are quite a few to take in to account to start all at the same time. So I am going to take little steps, to get use to thinking of these whilst working constantly. 

   The last seven pointers above are mainly for my log book. To show investigations that I make and criticise my work. I also need to comment whilst doing my art work more to do investigations on how I am painting, mistakes I make and ideas I find along the way. I also need to take more risks and be brave in my art. I really need to let out my art spirit within and just paint naturally with my ideas.

      I think the hardest one for any beginner like myself, is finding your own personal voice. Its hard to, especially when your discovering new things such as for me - painting. how do I learn to paint correctly and experiment painting different object yet also finding my voice as I go along - it is a hard task. However nothing is easy and I want to get that hidden voice from out of me. I have looked on the internet and in a few books to find ways that will help.

     I found that experimenting with techniques of different artists is a good place to start. Artists that I admire, Look at there techniques but put my own twist on them to create my own ideas and hopefully keep doing this to find my own technique - my own personal voice. Its all about experimenting and inputting my favourite mediums, ideas and techniques together to create some thing uniquely special to me, to stand out from the crowd.

      I also discovered that a good way to help is to write a lists of different thing such as likes and dislikes, what makes you happy sad or laugh. Objects you admire or dislike. All of this can create a list of ideas to use to create your own voice. To create something that tells people a statement/message or a story.

     I really found the internet useful to help me find my inner ideas. I am definitely going to create a list as above and also pick out some artists I admire to start with. I will then look again at there techniques and ideas, find out what I like about them and discover what I can achieve adding my own ideas to create something completely new. 

Feedback Ass 2 Painting 1 - From tutor

      I had this feedback also before christmas and I had time to think it over. I was disappointed at first and worried that my tutor thinks my work may not be good enough got assessment at the end. I really want this and so I have looked and listened to his comments and I have really took them on board. The main comments he has mentioned are:

  •  To paint more fluently
  • Thin paint more to dry quicker
  • I have a tendency to paint neatly so I need to stop this and leave some unfinished areas and mistakes
  • On perspective work use a ruler.

    I feel the comments made were again good, to put me in the right direction to improve my self and my art. 

     Overall, I have took the feed back in and churned over it. I am ready to tackle the issues in front of me now and to really show, that I do take this seriously. This is my life long dream and I am going to conquer the pointers given to me, to become better and show my passion, in my work and log book.

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