Thursday 11 September 2014

ASS1 - Final

      For this assignment, I decided to go to a second hand store, to get some inspiration. I found four Items, that I thought went well together to paint. I sketched out a few compositions in my sketch book and realized, that it looked better with just 3 items as I felt I was trying to squash too much together in the drawing and it looked more better with less to look at.

I found a good composition with the three objects and then tested line, tone and colour in my sketch book

As you can see its just a basic composition to get me started for this course.

I am undecided weather to use acrylics or oil paint as of the time it takes to dry. I am going to use acrylics to do this Assignment. 

I panted the base background, I know its a different colour to the colour sketch in sketch book, but I wanted to make it a more vibrant painting. 

Now its dry I am going to add the table base on and try to attempt the jugs.

I attempted the jugs and felt it was not going as planned. The paint kept drying and now I didn't like what I had done with the background, it just seemed so bland.

I had a few days away from it and decided I was going to attempt it in oil paints, over the now dry acrylic attempt. 

I first painted the yellow jug, which turned out well. I liked the tone I created on it and the highlights with white paint.

I then added in the blue jug, which had a little pattern on. I think I got this jug quite correctly draw apart from the rim of the lid is a bit wonky.

I decided to do the background the correct colour, red which went dark behind the objects. I had fun applying this and I love the way its enhanced the focus on to the objects more, Chiaroscuro style.  

I painted the middle jug, this was quite a challenge, as the colour of the jug changed halfway through, but I managed it really well. I like how I implied the reflective light areas on this jug.

Once finished, I did the table base again the correct colour as I was seeing and introduced the shadows of the object.

Overall on Assignment 1

The outcome I feel, was really good for a first real painting. I could of been a bit neater with the rim on the blue jug and the base of the yellow vase, it was also a bit wonky. I like the colours, they work lovely together. I think I got the shadow on the table well and I even put a light area on the table, where the light was bouncing off. The dark background helps show off the rich colours of the objects and helps make a vibrant painting. Now just have to wait for it to dry.


I have really enjoyed this first assignment learning the basics. Different tools, negative space, gradients and Chiaroscuro. They were all eye openers for me and really interesting to see what you can create thinking out side the box. who'd have thought, you could paint with oil pastels! 

I still have improvements to do, but keen to start my second assignment to improve my self and keep moving forward with practice. I feel I have learnt quite a bit already. 

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